Aquatic Recreation Industry Report

Each year the Royal Life Saving Society WA, in conjunction with LIWA Aquatics, produces a report on the state of the aquatic industry in Western Australia.

The report is produced with financial assistance from the Department of Sport and Recreation, and aims to;

  • Better understand the aquatic industry as a collective and to quantify key outputs, 
  • Monitor risks to patron safety and identify trends, 
  • Evaluate compliance to industry benchmarks and standard operating procedures, and 
  • Be a catalyst for discussion and an evidence base for ongoing program development.
Aquatic centres provide significant benefits to the WA community, in terms of community development, sport, recreation, health and fitness. It is important that this research measures and reports on industry successes and highlights areas in need of improvement and development.

You can download current and previous Aquatic Recreation Industry reports below:


Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2021-22

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2020-21

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2019-20

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2018-19

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2017-18

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2016-17

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2015-16 

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2014-15 

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2013-14 

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2012-13

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2021-22

Aquatic Recreation Industry Report 2022

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