Royal Life Saving Society WA Patrons

The Royal Life Saving Society of WA is privileged to have the patronage and vice-patronage of prominent Western Australians who are proud to support the objectives and promote the work of Royal Life Saving in WA.

Chris Dawson APM, Governor of Western AustraliaHis Excellency the Honourable Christopher John Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia

– Joint Patron

His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM was sworn in as the 34th Governor of Western Australia on 15 July 2022.  

The Dawson family have been part of the early colonial settlers over five generations of farming and law enforcement. The Governor’s great-great-grandparents arrived in the then Swan River colony in Western Australia in 1830.  

Chris Dawson AC APM was educated at Perth Modern School before joining the Western Australia Police Force in 1976, going on to provide 46 years of service in Australian law enforcement. 

He served in country and metropolitan positions, criminal investigation, training and senior roles. The Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2002 saw him awarded the Australian Police Medal for distinguished service.  

After 10 years as Deputy Commissioner, he left WA for a national role in Canberra between 2014 to 2017 as Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime Commission, amalgamating several agencies into the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. He also served as Director of the Australian Institute of Criminology during this period. 

He was appointed Commissioner of the Western Australia Police Force in August 2017, serving until July 2022. During the period of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Commissioner Dawson coordinated the State of Emergency and the Vaccine program.

In the Australia Day Honours List for 2023, Governor Dawson was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) for eminent service to public administration through law enforcement roles, to reconciliation, and as the 34th Governor appointed in Western Australia.

He is married to Darrilyn Dawson, Education Consultant, with two married children and five grandchildren.

Mrs Darrilyn Dawson

Mrs Darrilyn Dawson

– Joint Patron

Coming from a long line of farming families in the South West of WA, Mrs Darrilyn Dawson is a passionate supporter of the diverse contributions the country sector makes to our state.

With over 40 years experience in the education sector, Mrs Dawson has taught in government and private schools in both country and metropolitan areas.

Mrs Dawson has held a variety of roles throughout her career, including classroom teaching and as a Deputy Principal, and Principal in numerous primary schools. A career highlight was securing a job-share Principal role, which was successful over a number of years in several large primary schools. This innovative and successful partnership was acknowledged when Mrs Dawson and her job share Principal were awarded the statewide Equal Opportunity Award by the Department of Education and Training.

Mrs Dawson has served on several government school Boards. She is an Education Consultant, providing leadership training and mentoring, and is regularly involved in school selection panels, appointing educational leaders. Mrs Dawson is a Board and Committee member of two independent colleges and enjoys supporting them as they educate and grow our future leaders. She is passionate about early intervention at every opportunity and providing all children with the foundations to be their very best in whatever they aspire to do or be.

The Governor and Mrs Dawson have always supported each other in their respective career choices and aspirations. Mrs Dawson is looking forward to spending more time with her husband as they work together promoting Western Australia, as well as acknowledging the many wonderful people in our community.

When they are not working, Mrs Dawson and the Governor enjoy spending time with their two married children and their spouses, and five delightful grandchildren.

Mrs Dawson holds a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma of Teaching.

Royal Life Saving WA is pleased to have The Governor and Mrs Dawson accept the roles of joint Patrons for our organisation and members across the community. We look forward to working with them in the coming months and years to promote our aims, to reduce the impact of drowning in our state and ensure all West Australians have an opportunity to learn vital swimming and water safety skills.

Premier Roger Cook

The Honourable Roger Cook MLA, Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations

– Vice-Patron

Hon Roger Cook MLA is the Premier of Western Australia. With oversight of the key portfolios of State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; and Federal-State Relations, Roger has been a member of the Legislative Assembly(link is external) since 2008, representing the seat of Kwinana.

Prior to entering politics Roger studied Arts and Public Administration at Murdoch University before completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations and a Master of Business Administration at Curtin University. He was active in campus politics and established the National Union of Students as its first National President.

After completing his studies Roger worked for a number of Federal and State Members of Parliament including Jim McGinty, Stephen Smith and Senator Chris Evans in policy and electorate officer roles.

Roger is passionate about Aboriginal issues and served as the Chief Executive Officer of a number of Aboriginal Land Councils, along with a communications role assisting industry and government to reach agreement with Aboriginal Native Title groups. He was previously the National President of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation.

Roger is a strong advocate for health and fitness, competing in regular triathlons, marathons and rides for muscular dystrophy along with the walk for diabetes. He is an avid supporter of the Western Force and Fremantle Dockers.

Roger Cook was born and raised in Western Australia. He lives with his wife Carly in Wellard, and has two adult children.

He believes in looking after society's most vulnerable and investing in the best possible services for Western Australians.

Mia Davies MLA

The Honourable Mia Davies MLA, Shadow Minister for Mines & Petroleum; Electoral Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs

– Vice-Patron

Mia Davies was born in 1978 to Dexter and Leonie Davies and raised in the Wheatbelt, on a farm near Wyalkatchem. Prior to entering Parliament, Ms Davies worked as a policy adviser for the Leader of the Parliamentary National Party, executive officer at the Chamber of Minerals and Energy and as a communications consultant. She holds a Bachelor of Marketing and Media from Murdoch University. Ms Davies was first elected to represent the Agricultural Region at the 2008 State election. At the 2013 State election, Ms Davies successfully contested the seat of Central Wheatbelt for The Nationals WA.
Ms Davies made history in 2013 becoming the first female to be appointed Deputy Leader of The Nationals WA. Shortly afterwards she was appointed to Cabinet as the Minister for Water; Forestry, and in 2014 added Sport and Recreation to her Ministerial responsibilities.

As Minister, Ms Davies oversaw projects including the Optus Stadium, the expansion of WA’s irrigated agriculture sector through the Water for Food initiative, and championed increased participation of women in sport.

In 2017, Ms Davies was elected as Parliamentary Leader of The Nationals WA, becoming the first female leader of the National Party in Australia.

Following the 2021 State election, Ms Davies became the Opposition Leader for Western Australia, marking the first time a member of The Nationals WA has held the title since 1947. Ms Davies is the third female to hold the title of WA Opposition Leader, each from a different party – former Labor Premier Carmen Lawrence and Liberal leader Liza Harvey.

An alliance opposition has been formed between The Nationals WA and the WA Liberal Party, the first formal opposition arrangement to be agreed between the two parties since 2005.

In 2023, Ms Davies stood down from the position of Leader and by extension Leader of the Opposition. Her Deputy at the time Shane Love MLA was endorsed unanimously by the Party Room on 30 January 2023 as the new Leader.

Ms Davies is passionate about improving services and infrastructure in regional WA, in particular education, health and aged care. She truly believes regional WA deserves better as the engine room of the State and any improvements to the regions will benefit the entirety of WA.