A COVID checklist for public aquatic centres in WA
With some of WA's public aquatic centres preparing to re-open on Monday 18th May as part of our state's stage two COVID-19 roadmap to recovery, Royal Life Saving WA has worked with LIWA Aquatics, the Department of Health and Commercial Aquatics Australia to produce a checklist that will assist aquatic centres in managing the risks of COVID-19 in this new operating environment.
The checklist aligns itself with the National Aquatic Industry Safety Committee (NAISC) Guideline for Safe Pool Operations (GSPO) – MANAGING THE RISK OF COVID-19 IN AQUATIC FACILITIES. It is recommended that aquatic facilities give due consideration to implementing as many of the checklist items as possible within their facility, whilst also meeting health and safety obligations and considering risk management principles.
Royal Life Saving WA looks forward to seeing as many aquatic facilities as possible re-open over the coming weeks, enabling Western Australians to once again enjoy the many health and social benefits these facilities provide for their local communities. However, we also recognise that it is vital to ensure this reactivation occurs in an environment in which the risks of COVID-19 are mitigated as much as possible.
The checklist for Aquatic Centres can be downloaded at the link below. If you have any questions or concerns about the information contained in this checklist please feel free to contact Royal Life Saving WA or LIWA Aquatics with the links provided below.
Re-opening Guide for WA Aquatic Facilities

Contact Royal Life Saving WA

Contact LIWA Aquatics