Royal Life Saving WA's Jennifer Mickle with Adele Caporn
Adele Caporn awarded for her faithful service
Royal Life Saving WA is fortunate to have an amazing network of staff and volunteers who help us to run our swimming, water safety and drowning prevention programs right across WA. One of those extraordinary people is Adele Caporn, who was recently awarded a Western Australian Meritorious Service Medal for her long-time service to the Society.
Adele received her first qualification with Royal Life Saving WA in 2002 when she achieved her Pool Lifeguard certificate. Around this time she commenced work at Harvey and Waroona, firstly as a Centre Supervisor before going on to become the Pool Manager.
In 2003, Adele completed her Bronze Medallion award and became a Bronze Examiner (Aquatic Trainer) for the Society. This assisted with her role as the Supervisor of the Swim School at both Harvey and Waroona.
A few years later, in 2010, Adele moved to Fitzroy Crossing with her husband Trevor, where they ran the Remote Aboriginal Swimming Pool in the town. Adele assisted Trevor with Pool Lifeguarding and ran a very successful Swim & Survive Program. With both Trevor and Adele enjoying the remote community lifestyle, they went on to Bidyadanga and Burringurrah for a few seasons, before returning to Fitzroy Crossing in 2016.
Like Trevor, Adele is always willing to assist with programming at other remote communities, and has provided successful Swim and Survive lessons at Warmun over the years which have ensured these children don’t miss out on taking part in regular swimming and water safety education.
Adele is a valued member of the Fitzroy Valley Community as both a Pool Lifeguard, Swimming Instructor and Community Volunteer. This season alone, she has presented four Bronze Medallion Courses, run successful Infant Aquatic sessions, Special Needs and Swim & Survive Lessons. Approximately 220 children from 8 schools around the Fitzroy Valley area have participated in swimming lessons this year thanks to Adele’s tireless efforts.
Royal Life Saving thanks Adele for her amazing work and looks forward to seeing the continued development of swimming skills for children, youth and adults in regional WA thanks to her ongoing work in these areas.
You can find out more about Royal Life Saving's work in aboriginal communities across WA at the link below.