Balgo community swimming pool closer to reality
In last year’s state budget $7 million was allocated to build a remote aboriginal swimming pool in the community of Balgo in the Kimberley.
Balgo is one of Australian’s most remote Aboriginal communities, located in the south-east Kimberley approximately 1780km north-east of Perth and 900km south-southwest of Darwin. The community, with a population of around 460 people, lies on the northern edge of the Great Sandy Desert and on the western edge of the Tanami Desert.
Locals (including the local camels!) have been excited about the prospect of their pool being built since the announcement, and it is all now becoming a reality with works beginning! The contract for the building of the pool was awarded to Perth-based Safeway Aquatics, while the other facilities and pool manager’s house are being built by Broome-based H&M Tracey. The facility has been designed by Donovan Payne Architects.
Work on the pool began in October, and is scheduled to be completed in April, dependent on the northern WA weather!
Royal Life Saving WA will manage the pool once it is open, providing swimming and water safety education for locals and access to all the programs offered at our six other remote aboriginal swimming pools across WA.
Our Remote Aboriginal Swimming Pools, funded by the Department of Communities, with additional contributions from BHP, are not just about being physical active they are a place where educational, health, well-being and social cohesion outcomes are achieved. We refer to the pools as ‘Cool Pools’ a recognition that creating social impact is not something we can compel people to do instead the activities delivered have been built from the bottom up through grassroots opportunities which appeal to motivations and interests.
Find out more about the impact our Remote Aboriginal Swimming Pools are making across WA at the link below.