Bunbury Sea Scouts get bronzed
The Bunbury Sea Scouts recently completed their Bronze Medallion course at Leschenault Inlet.
Led by their very own Scout Leader and aquatic trainer, Robin Broad, all participants are now lifesavers qualified with their Bronze Medallion, and can safely participate in aquatic recreation activities.
Australian rivers have claimed more than 1000 lives due to drowning in the past 15 years. Over the same period 89 people have drowned in rivers, creeks and streams in WA.
As the Sea Scouts often conduct activities in rivers and other inland waterway environments it's vital that they have the skills to stay safe themselves and rescue others in these often unpredictable bodies of water.
We congratulate the Sea Scouts for achieving their Bronze Medallion and look forward to continuing our partnership with Scouts WA in teaching swimming and lifesaving skills to young West Australians.
To equip yourself in lifesaving skills find out more about the Bronze Medallion at the link below.