Celebrations for first Port Hedland graduates
A group of multicultural women has completed the first ever term of Women's Only swimming lessons in Port Hedland, thanks to a partnership between Royal Life Saving WA and Pilbara Legal Services, with funding from the Town of Port Hedland and BHP.
The women, aged from 25 to 60 years, learned basic swimming and water safety skills at the South Hedland Aquatic Centre over the past few weeks, with some having never submerged under the water or taken their feet off the bottom of the pool before taking part!
Many of the women had a real fear of the water at the start of the tern, and have now come so far - receiving certificates for achieving Swim and Survive stages - and they have enjoyed the program so much they are already asking when they can start their lessons again!
Royal Life Saving Pilbara Development officer Jacqui Forbes says "Most want to keep going so their instructor is discussing with the program co-ordinator at the South Hedland Aquatic Centre about getting some more sessions going to keep them moving over the last month of the year."
During last night's celebrations of the women's achievements they were presented with a quirky shower cap gift by their instructor, Justine, along with their certificates. The group also shared a meal together. The comeradere between the women this term has been amazing, with new friendships formed as new skills were learnt.
Further Women's Only swimming lessons are already in the planning for 2019, and if the popularity of this pilot program is anything to go by the lessons will be filled in no time!
These classes are vital for migrant women in both metro and regional WA, with recent figures showing that over the past ten years 137 people have drowned in Western Australia who were born overseas, accounting for 40% of drowning deaths.
For more information about our swimming programs for multicultural people across WA click the link below.