Dianella students enjoy Swim and Survive fun
Recent drowning statistics show that 40% of those who drowned in Western Australia over a recent ten-year period were born overseas. The overrepresentation of multicultural Australians in drowning data is likely because they have alarmingly low participation in swimming and water safety programs.
As Royal Life Saving WA works with local communities to ensure everyone has access to these vital skills, we’re pleased to have been able to assist 76 children to take part in a subsidised Swim and Survive swimming and water safety program at the Dianella Secondary College throughout this term.
The children aged 4-17 are taking part in lessons over an eight-week period on Wednesday after school or on Saturday mornings. The program is a partnership between Royal Life Saving WA and the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre and is supported by BHP and Swimming Australia.
The In-Term program has been running at Dianella Secondary College during Term One for the past five years, with participants learning valuable lifesaving skills and knowledge on swimming and water safety. It is particularly important for schools like Dianella Secondary College, which is located in the City of Stirling. Dianella has a very high multicultural student demographic, with 2016 Australian Census data showing that 46% of the population in the area were born overseas.
The program at Dianella has broken down barriers to participation for multicultural students in this area, with secondary college participants along with the Education Support Centre and local primary school students actively participating in swimming and water safety lessons.
As part of Harmony Week a celebration will be held on Saturday 21st March where children will be able to enjoy fun on the Royal Life Saving Slip & Slide as well as a special BBQ.
For more information about how the Royal Life Saving Swim and Survive Access and Equity program is breaking down barriers to participation in swimming and water safety programs across Western Australia please click the link below.