Drowning prevention advocates recognized for their vital work
Regional WA continues to be over-represented in drowning statistics, with a drowning rate 3.5 times higher than the Perth metropolitan areas. The statistics are even more concerning for children, with regional children five times more likely to drown than those in Perth.
Royal Life Saving Society WA is determined to reduce these statistics, and as a not-for-profit community organization, with over 45,000 members across the state, we rely on our many volunteers, members, professional officers and staff who make a valuable contribution to our work of preventing drowning and promoting safety in all WA communities.
Throughout the year we work to actively recognize those individuals, through our newly developed Western Australia Honours Awards Criteria. These awards recognise the significant role that these people play in educating people in water safety, survival, rescue, resuscitation and first aid techniques, in an effort to reduce injury and loss of life through drowning.
During the recent Leisure Institute of WA (LIWA) conference at Broome in our north-west we had the honour of presenting awards to two individuals making a valuable contribution to our work in this region of our state.
Stephanie Culling received the Western Australian Service Order, for over 8 years of service to Royal Life Saving WA with her involvement as a Bronze Examiner at Karratha Leisureplex. Stephanie obtained her first Royal Life Saving Award, her Pool Lifeguard Qualification 10 years ago in 2007. Stephanie is a great advocate for Royal Life Saving and its water safety messages and we are pleased to have her as a valuable part of our team.
Adele Caporn was also recognized, with the Western Australia Long Service Order. Adele has lived and worked in the Fitzroy, Bidyadanga and Burringurrah communities, with husband Trevor, working at our remote aboriginal swimming pools in those communities. Throughout this time she has coordinated and implemented learn to swim programs in conjunction with the local schools. Her passion for aquatic education has led to over 10 years of service to Royal Life Saving WA, while her first award was obtained back in 2002, when she achieved her Pool lifeguard and resuscitation qualifications.
Adele’s work has made an amazing impact in the prevention of drowning in these at-risk communities, saving innumerable lives as she shares vital education and skills with those who may otherwise have missed out. By the same measure Stephanie’s valuable contribution in training up lifesavers in our north-west helps us to achieve our aim of ensuring there are people with vital lifesaving skills in every community across our vast state.