Hollywood Primary School pool users learn vital lifesaving skills
There are around 65 schools in WA that have a swimming pool on site, and Royal Life Saving is working with a number of these facilities to ensure these pools are used and maintained in the safest possible manner, to safeguard the children and adults accessing them.
Recently Royal Life Saving staff conducted a special keyholder induction at Hollywood Primary School on the opening day of the 2017-2018 season. The pool has had a major renovation and now boasts a facility that the whole school and community is very proud of and keen to make good use of!
The Hollywood Primary P&C has run the pool for many years, as a volunteer group who work hard to ensure the pool is run safely. Royal Life Saving assists with this, not only conducting yearly audits of the pool to ensure the managers are complying with operational regulations, but also ensuring all users are up to date with life saving techniques. These key holders enjoy the pool out of school hours and must go through compulsory training every year.
During the Induction Day Royal Life Saving trainers Maddy and Farris conducted a CPR refresher session, while also taking the key holders through their paces in the pool where they had to demonstrate a good understanding of in-water rescue techniques. These skills are crucial for the key holders as they need to be able to respond to an emergency if required while using the pool.
About 45 people attended the session and successfully completed their training. Hollywood Primary School Pool Representative Veronica Binns says “Royal Life Saving Society WA’s continued assistance and guidance is greatly valued by the school and it is a relationship we look forward to continuing into the future.”
Royal Life Saving Society WA hopes to forge relationships with more schools with pools across metro and regional areas in WA, to help build a greater understanding of the importance of risk planning and water safety inductions for community members and pool users. Our goal is to see more people within the school community armed with vital skills and education to be able to respond appropriately in case of an emergency situation. We also want to ensure school pools are properly operated to avoid the likelihood of future emergency situations.
If you’d like to know more about how Royal Life Saving Society WA can assist your local school please click the link below to find out more and complete an enquiry form.