Ryan (Jigalong Shed Manager), Jigalong local and Army Reservist Darryl ‘DJ’ Jones alongside AACAP personnel Stewy, Capt Brendan Fox, Chris and Nathan (seated).
Jigalong Shed proud supporter of AACAP
Royal Life Saving WA, through its management of the BHP Shed in the remote Aboriginal Community of Jigalong, has welcomed the arrival and activities driven by the Federal Government’s Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Project (AACAP) over the past couple of months.
Each year, AACAP works with remote communities to develop and deliver on a range of locally-led projects such as the construction of community centres, roads, and health clinics. AACAP also uses the combined skills and experience of its personnel to coordinate other community engagement activities such as hospitality and trade-related training.
From July – August this year AACAP activities in Jigalong have included the development of a community BBQ and public toilet area, construction of a youth centre and delivery of a range of training activities such as on country guiding, cooking and carpentry.
Royal Life Saving WA’s Shed Manager, Ryan Ingley has enjoyed the atmosphere and range of activities driven by the arrival of up to 150 Army and Army Reserve personnel. Ryan says the presence of the AACAP in town has been overwhelmingly beneficial. "I've noticed a definite increased engagement and greater interest in training and developmental opportunities and improved use of community facilities such as the BHP Shed and the Women’s Centre since the AACAP team arrived."
The Jigalong Shed was constructed by BHP in partnership with the Jigalong Community and has been professionally managed by Royal Life Saving WA since it commenced operation in 2014. Adrian Brahim, BHP Corporate Affairs – Native Title, noted that "the key driver in the development of the Shed was to provide community members with a range of training and development opportunities." Mr Brahim also commented that "ultimately, it is anticipated that the Shed will help to support growth of local enterprise that supports the Community’s progress towards economic independence and social sustainability."
Through its management of the Jigalong Shed, Royal Life Saving WA has made significant progress towards the development of a range of enterprise opportunities and has helped to facilitate a number of training and developmental activities for Community members. Through the operation of the Shed, stronger local partnerships have developed for the benefit of the Community.
Royal Life Saving WA's Workforce Solutions Unit manages the delivery of the management agreement with BHP, for further information on this project or other professional services provided by our team please contact us at the link below.