Kenyan community learning to Swim and Survive

16 December 2019

Kenyan children in the pool with their swim instructorWith the summer holidays approaching, and the warm weather well and truly here, Royal Life Saving WA’s Swim and Survive Access and Equity team has been busy during term four ensuring all West Australians have an opportunity to learn vital swimming and water safety skills. Recent research shows that 40% of WA’s drowning deaths over the past ten years involved people who were born overseas and had either migrated to or were visiting our state.

Since the 26th October Royal Life Saving has been working with the Kitwek Association to engage 52 Kenyan community members to take part in a Swim and Survive program at the Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre. The Kitwek Association represents families from the Kenyan Rift Valley and works to foster unity and promote positive integration amongst these community members.Kenyan adults in the pool with their swim instructor at Belmont Oasis

The swimming lessons, which were supported by the Office of Multicultural Interests, saw community members including children, mothers and fathers, learn vital swimming and water safety skills each Saturday afternoon for the past eight weeks. These lessons have given participants the skills and understanding they need to safely enjoy water activities with their friends and family over the summer months.

Royal Life Saving WA looks forward to continuing to foster this partnership with the Kitwek Association to ensure these community members can continue to develop the swimming skills they need to enjoy the Western Australian way of life.

You can find out more about Royal Life Saving WA's work with multicultural communities across WA at the link below.

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