Lifesaving skills in action at Dianella SC
The students from Dianella Secondary College showed off their lifesaving skills at their recent swimming and lifesaving carnival. The students were well equipped for the carnival, having already completed both a lifesaving program and a Swim & Survive program in term one!
Under the guidance of Royal Life Saving WA, the students participated in rescue-tube relays and rope-throw relays at their carnival, which they were already familiar with from the in-term lessons at school.
The swimming and lifesaving programs at Dianella Secondary College are hugely important, as many of the students are from Aboriginal or CaLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) communities. CaLD communities are over represented in drowning statistics, and many new arrivals to WA have poor or non-existent swimming and water safety skills.
Similarly, Indigenous groups have been identified as a demographic at a high risk of drowning and non-fatal drowning in Australia. Aboriginal children drown at a rate three times that of non-Aboriginal children.
These programs are an introduction to swimming and lifesaving for children who might not otherwise get the chance to participate.
If you'd like to introduce pool lifesaving to your swimming and sports curriculum, click here: