Royal Life Saving Society WA CEO Peter Leaversuch and Mr Sean L'Estrange MLA at Aqualife Swim School
Local MLA supports Swim and Survive
Swimming lessons are a part of family history for Sean L'Estrange MLA, Member for Churchlands, who was a swimming instructor with his parent's swim school during his university days.
Mr L'Estrange joined Royal Life Saving Society WA CEO Peter Leaversuch at Aqualife Swim School last Friday, to launch our 10 Year Drowning Data and promote our Swim and Survive Program.
His parents mortgaged their family home in the 1970s to build and operate two of WA's first indoor learn-to-swim businesses; the Gordon L'Estrange Swim School, so Sean has long understood the importance of ensuring all children have an opportunity to learn to swim.
Mr L'Estrange says "here in Perth we've got a lot of lakes, we've got a huge expanse of ocean and beaches, and we need to make sure all our kids, from whatever their cultural backgrounds are, learn to swim."
A full interview with Mr L'Estrange is available via our YouTube channel.