Multicultural men learn to Swim and Survive
Men from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds, who have never had the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, are now learning to Swim and Survive at Cannington Leisureplex.
The new program is part of Royal Life Saving Society's Access and Equity, which aims to reduce the rate of drowning in at risk segments of the community.
A review of drowning data over the past 5 years indicates there have been 50 drowning deaths in WA involving members of the CaLD community, which represents 37% of all drowning deaths. Limited water safety awareness combined with alarmingly low participation rates in swimming and water safety awareness programs are contributing factors in this over-representation of CaLD community members in the Western Australian Drowning Report.
The Royal Life Saving Society WA, in partnership with the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Office of Multicultural Interests, has launched the Men’s Only swimming lessons for men from CaLD backgrounds, as part of our campaign to reduce the over-representation of this segment of our society drowning statistics.
The first lesson was help on Thursday night this week, with 10 men taking part. The program will continue for the next six weeks and Royal Life Saving Society WA hopes to extend it in 2017.
Men’s Only came about as a result of the success of the CaLD Women’s Only Swimming and Water Safety Education Program, which is now in its 6th year, with programs running across Perth metropolitan area at Leisurepark Balga, The Swim School Merriwa and Cannington Leisureplex.
For more information on the programs and services e provide for WA's CaLD community click on the link below.