Multicultural Steering Committee talks drowning prevention ahead of summer
Royal Life Saving WA’s Multicultural Steering Committee met for the first time this year, as COVID-19 led to previously planned meetings being delayed. The committee brings together leaders and ambassadors from a range of WA’s multicultural communities, to assist us in ensuring our swimming and water safety programming meets the needs and cultural requirements of these community members.
It was fantastic to see so many members of the committee attend, with representatives from City of Stirling’s Leisurepark Balga and Mirrabooka Multicultural Hub, City of Canning’s Cannington Leisureplex, City of Kwinana’s Kwinana Recquatic, City of Armadale’s Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre, Swim Mechanix, Kitwek Association, Indian Society of WA, Perth Myanmar Learning Centre, Edmund Rice Centre WA, Reclink, Communicare, Multicultural Futures, Healthway and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
Royal Life Saving WA workswith all these organisations throughout the year in the development and delivery of swimming, water safety and drowning prevention programs for WA’s multicultural communities.
At yesterday’s meeting Royal Life Saving WA’s Ian Brown presented our new strategic plan to the committee, highlighting the ways the plan will assist us in engaging effectively with at-risk groups across the state, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Royal Life Saving WA’s Steph Green also made a presentation, highlighting the 2018/19 WA Drowning Report, and gathering feedback from the committee on new resources and booklets being developed to promote the Watch Around Water message in WA’s multicultural communities.
The committee gave positive feedback about the work Royal Life Saving is doing in partnership with multicultural community members across Western Australia. We look forward to continuing these important partnerships as we work to reduce drowning incidents and fatalities involving multicultural Western Australians.
You can find out more about our work in WA's multicultural communities at the link below.