Night swimming for women in Balga
As we work to make swimming and water safety education accessible to all, Royal Life Saving WA is partnering with the City of Stirling to launch Saturday night women’s only swimming at Leisurepark Balga in term 4 2020.
We know that for some women the requirements of their culture mean that putting on bathers and swimming in a public pool is simply not possible, due to the risk of men also being present at the facility. From next term Leisurepark Balga will be open exclusively for women from 7 – 9pm on Saturday nights to provide a safe space for women to take part in aquatic activity.
Royal Life Saving WA Senior Manager Swimming and Water Safety Education, Trent Hotchkin says this is an important next step in our Swim and Survive Access and Equity program. “Often swimming and water safety education is overlooked by new migrants due to barriers such as cost and availability, and for many migrant women the issue of cultural modesty is extremely important. We’re working hard to address these barriers to participation so that swimming, lifesaving and community education programs are appropriate and accessible to all Australians.”
Women will be able to enjoy a casual swim in the 25m pool, a walk in the hydro pool or take part in one of three swimming lessons that will be on offer to cater for a range of abilities. The swimming lessons will run for 8 weeks with the first sessions scheduled to commence on the 31st of October. Women in stages one through five are strongly encouraged to take part in these 40 minute sessions to learn vital swimming and water safety skills.
Women are invited to attend an information session this Thursday 3rd of September from 1-2pm or Sunday the 6th of September from 7-8pm at Leisurepark Balga. This program is made possible through funding provided the WA Department of Health. If you would like to register for the Term Four Women’s Only Swim and Survive lessons you can do so at the link below.