Old4New lifejackets to save lives
Royal Life Saving Society WA is partnering with the Department of Transport to promote the importance of boaters wearing lifejackets at all times when out on the water.
The Old4New lifejacket campaign is being launched at this weekend’s Hillarys Boat Show, with people encouraged to upgrade their old style lifejacket for a new modern one at a discounted price.
Royal Life Saving Society WA Senior Manager Research and Health Promotion, Lauren Nimmo, says "On average there are 5 boating-related drowning deaths recorded each year in Western Australia, with the majority of people involved in these incidents not wearing a lifejacket at the time. Studies have found that wearing a lifejacket doubles a person’s chance of survival once immersed in water."
In New South Wales the number of boaters wearing a lifejacket has quadrupled since 2007, with the change partly attributed to the introduction of a similar scheme there in 2011. Royal Life Saving and the Department of Transport hope to see similar results here in WA.
Miss Nimmo says "Lifejackets are not what they used to be. The new style lifejackets we are promoting are slim-line, self-inflating, not restrictive and comfortable to wear for an entire day out on the water. We’re hoping these new lifejackets will help boaters to ensure themselves and their passengers are safe in the event of an emergency."
A limited number of lifejackets will be available for upgrade at the Department of Transport Marine Safety Education Trailer at the Hillarys Boat Show from the 8th to 10th April 2016. Boaters with old, damaged or obsolete types of lifejacket will be able to upgrade up to four per vessel for $50 per lifejacket.
"The campaign will continue over the coming months, with state wide safety messages provided to all boaters. Funds from lifejacket sales will be reinvested to extend the life of the Old4New campaign," said Miss Nimmo.
Royal Life Saving is pleased to be partnering with the Department of Transport in this initiative, which shows the importance the State Government is placing on ensuring West Australians are safe while enjoying the many water locations available to our community.
Miss Nimmo says "We are encouraging all boat owners to come down to the boat show and take advantage of this great offer to exchange their lifejackets and remember that wearing a lifejacket never ruined a day on the water."
More details about the Old4New campaign can be found at the link below.