Pool inflatables party for remote community

3 October 2022

The remote Aboriginal community of Bidyadanga enjoyed a day of laughter and fun at the local pool last Tuesday, to celebrate the launch of the pool’s nine inflatables.

Bidyadanga children enjoying their new pool inflatablesThe new additions to the local pool were made possible after a successful community fundraiser, driven by Pool Manager, Bernie Egan. Over the past year the community banded together to raise funds through a Lake Argyle Virtual Swim, specially designed Swim and Survive towels created by a local artist, and additional fundraising initiatives including raffles and lolly count jars.

Royal Life Saving General Manager, Community Development, Greg Tate, says he was privileged to travel from Perth for the launch.

“This was a community-driven fundraiser and wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of local pool manager Bernie Egan. Congratulations Bernie," he said.

Bidyadanga residents at the local pool120 locals from the community ventured down to the pool for the launch, supported by volunteers and the WA Police, with some eager children lining up at the gates before the pool even opened. After four hours of pool fun, the day wrapped up with a BBQ, with locals reminiscing on the resounding success of the day.

Congratulations to Bernie for all her fundraising efforts to purchase the Aflex inflatables! We look forward to hearing what’s next for the community pool.

The Bidyadanga local pool is part of Royal Life Saving’s Remote Aboriginal Swimming Pool project supported by the Department of Communities.

To learn more about our Remote Pool program, visit the link below. 

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