Pool Lifeguard training success for Hedland women
Six women from the Pilbara recently completed the Royal Life Saving WA 4-day Pool Lifeguard course and are now able to work as nationally recognised lifeguards.
The course was held at South Hedland Aquatic Centre with Royal Life Saving Trainer Sarah Hull, who “put the ladies through their paces” to learn the essential skills of the course. Participants are provided with skills and knowledge in accident prevention, first aid, administration, scanning, communications, and basic and advanced water rescues.
The all-female group learned how to correctly signal each other to inform teammates of various situations that may arise at an aquatic facility. They practised responding to simulated scenarios including unconscious swimmers and handling potential spinal injuries in the water.
Another important aspect of the course is providing advanced first aid and the administration of oxygen to a casualty. Participants demonstrated CPR skills and effective teamwork skills in providing resuscitation to a patron.
Royal Life Saving WA Pilbara Development Officer Lauren Thompson said, “All participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves, engaging in all rescue simulations and practical components of the course.”
The 4-day course is currently available for free for eligible students under the WA Government’s Skills Ready initiative. The Pool Lifeguard Skill Set, along with the Swimming and Water Safety Teacher Skill Set, were added to the list of short courses eligible for funding to ensure WA can meet demand for qualified aquatic staff. Demand for pool lifeguards and swimming instructors remains high in the industry's post-COVID recovery.
There are no prerequisites for the course so if you’re interested in attending this FREE* course to become a qualified pool lifeguard, learn more and enrol at the link below.

*eligible students only (eligibility criteria can be found on the enrolment page)