Record breaking numbers for womens only lessons
Around 200 women from Perth’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) community have signed up for Royal Life Saving’s Women's Only Swim and Survive program for term four.
Cannington Leisureplex, Leisurepark Balga, Swim Mechanix and The Swim School Wangara are all seeing record numbers of CaLD women taking part, with Cannington’s Sunday-evening program proving particularly popular – over 50 women are involved in the program!
Learning swimming and water safety is extremely important within the CaLD community, as many women may never have learnt to swim. “With such a strong waterways culture within Australia, it is vital we ensure this community is learning lifesaving skills, especially leading into summer,” Emily Balcombe, Royal Life Saving WA's Inclusion Coordinator says. "In the last five years, 50 drowning deaths in WA have involved people from the CaLD community, which is 37% of all drowning deaths."
Royal Life Saving works in partnership with our Endorsed Swim Schools to ensure these women learn the vital skills of swimming and water safety education. We'd like to thank our Swim School Coordinators and subcontractors for supervising and running the program and organising class lists, and our key sponsors the Office of Multicultural Interests, Department of Sport and Recreation and BHP without whom the program would not be possible.
Find out more about our Women's Only swimming program and learn how you can get involved at the link below.