Image courtesy City of Rockingham
Rockingham community learns vital water safety skills
Learning to Swim and Survive is a vital life skill that all Western Australian children need to safely participate on, in and around water. As we work to ensure children across metro and regional WA have access to learn these skills Royal Life Saving is proud to endorse a number of Swim Schools that have committed to providing the absolute best in aquatic education!
Two of these Endorsed Swim Schools are in the Rockingham area, with Aqua Jetty and Rockingham Aquatic Centre both offering quality water safety education through the use of qualified instructors, small class sizes, safe aquatic environments. Aqua Jetty offers our Infant Aquatics and Swim and Survive programs year round, while the Rockingham Aquatic Centre offers Swim and Survive while it is open seasonally from October through to April each year.
Over the past year more than 2000 children and infants have learned vital swimming and water safety skills at these swim schools, while even more have taken part in Department of Education in-term swimming lessons and VacSwim classes hosted there. These programs are making a real difference in ensuring local children can safely participate in water activities that are such an important part of the Western Australian lifestyle.
Children aren’t the only local community members who’ve benefited from water safety education at these centres, with many youth and adults also taking part in Bronze Medallion training at the Rockingham Aquatic Centre, thanks to the dedication of a number of Royal Life Saving WA’s community trainers in the region. David Walker, Jennifer Wipou, Lynne Coles, Hew Hedgar and Les Dodd have between them hosted four courses for almost 60 community members, including students from the local Kolbe Catholic College.
A number of teens also completed their Bronze Medallion qualifications, led through their assessments by our Talent Pool trainers, during a recent Open Day on the 26th June.
Outside the water, parents and carers across the Rockingham community have benefited from vital first aid and water safety information as our Keep Watch team provided Bath Safety packs to local child health clinics in Secret Harbour & Baldivis, while Heart Beat Club education sessions have been held at Warnboro Family Centre, Westerly Family Centre, Ngala, and the Child Parent Centre East Waikiki throughout the year.
Many of Royal Life Saving WA’s activities in the Rockingham community are made possible thanks to the support of Principal Community Partner BHP.
If you’d like to get your children involved in either of our fantastic Endorsed Swim Schools in the Rockingham area you can find out more at the links below.
Aqua Jetty

Rockingham Aquatic Centre