Safety first for Workforce Solutions team
Recently the Royal Life Saving WA Workforce Solutions team participated in their annual Self Contained Breathing Apparatus refresher training. This training was conducted by Kris from Priority 1 Fire & Safety at the Royal Life Saving WA training rooms in Mount Claremont.
The Workforce Solutions team plays an integral role in operating and maintaining a range of aquatic facilities throughout metropolitan Perth, which includes sites as diverse as small water features in Local Government parks and gardens right through to major aquatic attractions and swimming pools in the heart of Perth. Some of the facilities that the team operates and maintains include ‘zero depth water features’ such as the BHP Water Park at Elizabeth Quay and the City of Wanneroo’s Kingsway Aquatic Play Space.
Our Workforce Solutions team understands the importance of regular training and developmental activities that are designed to help our clients achieve maximum impact from their aquatic facilities. Much of their work involves the use of chemicals to maintain water quality, so regular training in the use of self-contained breathing apparatus is vital. We’re thankful for the expertise of Priority 1 in conducting this important training with our staff.
Royal Life Saving WA’s Workforce Solutions team seeks to develop partnerships with aquatic facility owners, who can provide employment opportunities for graduates of our Talent Pool program. Talent Pool is an innovative training and employment program that provides a springboard for Aboriginal young people wanting to take action and achieve employment in the aquatics industry.
Our team understands the challenges faced by Local Government Authorities and other aquatic facility operators to keep their sites operational due to shortages of available staff to complete this vital maintenance and operations work. Talent Pool is able to assist, empowering Aboriginal young people to fill this seasonal gap by facilitating real employment opportunities as aquatic professionals within their own communities.
You can find out more about Royal Life Saving WA’s Workforce Solutions range of services at the link below.

If you’d like to engage with our Talent Pool program and feel you can provide employment opportunities for these talented young people, please complete the form at the link below.