Swan View Aboriginal youth learn to Swim and Survive
With the summer holidays just a few weeks away, the Royal Life Saving WA Swim and Survive team is busy ensuring kids across WA have an opportunity to learn vital swimming and water safety skills. 34% of drowning deaths in WA last year happened in the summer months, so it’s crucial that all West Australians have the skills they need to enjoy the water safely with their friends and family before the holidays arrive.
Our Swim and Survive Access and Equity team is currently working with the Swan View Senior High School Contarf Academy and Girls Academy to teach Aboriginal youth through an after-school swimming lessons at Swan Active Midland. 20 students are taking part in the eight-week program, which has been funded by Lotterywest and Principal Community Partner BHP.
Drowning statistics show that Aboriginal children aged 0-18 are 8.6 times more likely to be involved in a fatal drowning incident than non-Aboriginal children in our state. Royal Life Saving WA is working with organisations to engage with Aboriginal youth to turn these statistics around.
We look forward to seeing the development of swimming and lifesaving skills for the students from Swan View throughout this term, and would love to partner with more schools to provide similar programming. You can find out more about our work with Aboriginal youth at the link below.