Swim and Survive Fund a huge success
In many communities, swimming and water safety education is simply not accessible. Children and adults from lower socioeconomic families, Indigenous or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those from regional and remote communities, or those with disabilities, are more likely to miss out on swimming and water-safety lessons, making them extremely vulnerable to drowning.
These groups are the focus of the WA Swim and Survive Fund.
In the last financial year, Royal Life Saving WA provided grants of $1000 to nine swim schools, as part of the WA Swim and Survive Fund. These grants aimed to help individuals going through tough times financially, or those families who may not be able to afford to have multiple children in swimming lessons. It has also helped provide specialised lessons for people with disabilities.
Because of the WA Swim and Survive Fund, 79 West Aussies going through tough times were able to learn vital swimming and water safety skills that could one day save their life.
The nine Endorsed Swim Schools involved were Cannington Leisureplex, Murray Leisure Centre, The Swim School Merriwa & Ocean Reef, Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre, Mandurah Aquatic Centre, Kwinana Recquatic, Geraldton Aquarena, and Waroona Recreation & Aquatic Centre.
The Swim and Survive Fund is part of a broader Swim and Survive Access and Equity program, which is proudly supported by BHP, the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Office of Multicultural Interests.
Find out more about how it could help you, or someone in your community at the link below.