Swim and Survive skills for Ballajura children
A review of drowning data shows that children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse migrant backgrounds are at high risk of drowning, with members of WA’s CaLD community accounting for 37% of all drowning deaths in the past 5 years.
The research indicates limited water safety awareness in their country of origin, combined with alarmingly low participation levels in swimming and water safety programs are key factors in these statistics.
Royal Life Saving Society WA recently teamed up with Ballajura Aquatic Centre, an Endorsed Swim School, to provide an opportunity for 24 children from migrant backgrounds to take part in Swim and Survive swimming and water safety lessons.
The lessons, held during the April school holidays, enabled these children to learn basic swimming skills and water safety awareness that could save their life as they join in the water-loving West Australian lifestyle.
The program was funded by the Royal Life Saving Society WA Swim and Survive Fund, which utilises donations from individuals, community organisations, corporate supporters and partner facilities to increases access to safe aquatic facilities, qualified instructors and to provide structured swimming and water safety education programs for those at-risk of missing out on learning these vital skills.