Thank you to our amazing volunteers
It's National Volunteer Week, a chance to recognise the invaluable work done by volunteers across the community.
Here at Royal Life Saving Society WA we rely on volunteers to help spread our drowning prevention and first aid messages across the community, and assist us with our fundraising initiatives.
So far this financial year we've seen more than 200 volunteers contribute more than 2600 hours of their time to help spread the word! We really do appreciate the time and commitment they've put in to assist us with our vital work.
These volunteers have taken part in a range of activities including festivals and community events to spread the Keep Watch message, presenting various aquatics and first aid courses, Leavers Week where they've assisted in promoting Don't Drink and Drown, fundraising with our Quackers donation ducks across the metro area, dressing up as Dippy Duck to encourage people to engage with our message, assisting with running events such as the Pool Lifeguard Challenge, and the list goes on!
Thank so much to all our incredible volunteers for your amazing efforts! If you'd like to join the team we'd love to have you on board! More details are available at the link below.