Consistent swim lessons for Leinster families
Children from the Goldfields town of Leinster have been able to access regular Swim and Survive lessons for the first time, after three local school teachers became qualified swimming instructors.
“This program was the first continuous weekly program we have been able to run in Leinster,” said Amy Benjamin, Royal Life Saving WA Endorsed Swim Schools Manager.
“It is great to see the local capacity grow in the community which has always been so supportive of us and our Swim and Survive program.”
Thanks to principal community partner BHP, Royal Life Saving was able to subsidise the lessons for local families, with 45 children taking part in the five-week program.
Swimming Instructor, Ellie Busher, said she and the other school teachers became instructors to provide the best opportunities for their students.
“Swimming is a vital skill I believe all children have the right to learn and enjoy, even kids in the middle of the desert,” she said.
“I have seen their confidence and abilities grow with the consistency of long-term lessons and I hope they continue to develop a love of swimming alongside their water safety skills.”
Located nearly 1000km northeast of Perth, the small town of Leinster is home to just 700 residents and 700 FiFo workers.
Royal Life Saving WA Goldfields Regional Coordinator, Clint Kelleher, said it’s great to see the community’s involvement in swimming and water safety.
"We had just under 40 per cent of the entire school participating in the swimming lessons which is impressive given they were held outside of school hours,” he said.
“And with a school of just 10 teachers, to have three willing to do extra work for the community outside of their full-time jobs is an outstanding effort.”
Find out more about how our Swim and Survive program is benefiting regional communities at the link below.