ECU students join the Royal Life Saving pathway
Royal Life Saving WA loves being able to play a part in training the next generation of lifesavers in our community! We recently had the privilege of meeting a group of 20 students from Edith Cowan University who are taking their first step along the pathway to become part of the Royal Life Saving WA team.
The students, who are part of an Outdoor Education class taught by Royal Life Saving National President Cameron Eglington, came along to a training session to learn how to present our Water Safety and First Aid workshops to primary school children.
These interactive 45-minute workshops are available to primary school children from Pre-Primary to Year 6 right across Western Australia. They cover water safety knowledge and safe rescue techniques or basic first aid principles and what to do in an emergency until medical help arrives.
In order to make sure we can present these workshops as far and wide as possible we need trained presenters to join our roster. The ECU students were keen to be a part of the fun, and some may choose to also continue down the Royal Life Saving pathway which could lead to them become Pool Lifesaving Instructors, Aquatic or Resuscitation Trainers, Pool Lifeguards or Swim Instructors!
Royal Life Saving looks forward to seeing where the future leads with this energetic and passionate team!