Infant Aquatics at Fitzroy Crossing
Drowning remains the leading cause of preventable death for children under five years of age in Western Australia, and over the past 5 years for every child that has drowned, 10 children on average were hospitalised following an immersion incident. Many of these children will face life long consequences as a result of severe brain injury.
With swimming such a big part of the WA culture it's essential all children are given the opportunity to become familiar with water from a young age.
Royal Life Saving Society WA's Infant Aquatics lessons involve parents in the water with their child while they sing songs, play games and complete activities that allow the child to experience a variety of skills including entries, floating, breathing and movement.
The beauty of having parents in the water throughout this program is that not only is it a special bonding time with their child, but they also receive important water safety information including the 4 key messages of the Keep Watch drowning prevention program;
supervise your child, restrict access to water locations, familiarise your child with water and learn resuscitation.
For the past three Thursday mornings Waiane Jacobs at the Fitzroy Crossing Remote Aboriginal Swimming Pool had been holding an Infant Aquatics water familiarisation class for parents and children in this town.
Pool Manager Aaron Jacobs says "There's been a very positive response from the community with an average of about 14 young children and as many parents attending each lesson."
Last year 21,227 children participated in the Infant Aquatics program through 64 Endorsed Swim School across Western Australia.
For more details on Infant Aquatics please head to Infant Aquatics