Lots of fun in Fitzroy Crossing

22 December 2023

Let the in-term swimming lessons continue – this time in Fitzroy Crossing.

A service agreement between Royal Life Saving WA and the Department of Education allows these lessons to be delivered in regional and remote areas across WA each year.

So far this year Fitzroy Crossing Remote Pool has had six schools participate, including Ngalapita, Djugerari, Muludja, Wangkatjungka, Jungdranung and Bayulu.

smiling faces at Fitzroy Crossing poolThe kids have been loving it and it's been busy – so much so that Remote Pool Managers, Katie and Chris, enlisted the help of Royal Life Saving WA Swimming Instructor Nola to assist.

Four weeks back-to-back and lots of lessons, the help was definitely appreciated.

Participants ranged in age from Kindy to Year 9, learning many essential skills throughout the period with the swimming lessons provided in place of their physical education classes.

This helped to increase school attendance as the kids knew they would get to go to the pool, helping to combat the knock-on effects of COVID-19 where swimming lessons were missed a lot more as a result of the pandemic.

three Fitzroy Crossing kids practising a swimming pose at the poolConcerns were raised that this would cause generational safety impacts which is why these lessons continue to prove their importance. According to the 2023 National Drowning Report, swimming is the leading activity in children prior to drowning.

Through the lessons, the kids can now perform strokes such as freestyle, breaststroke and sidestroke, as well as being able to undertake swimming 150m continuously, full submersion, kicking and deep-water breathing.

Swimming Instructor, Nola, said ''it was a treat to work alongside Katie and Chris. They are so well respected in the community, and it warms my heart to hear the kids calling out to Mr. Chris and Miss Katie wherever we go!''

It's great to see how many schools and students are getting involved in the in-term lessons,  if you would like to learn more about the remote and regional participation in swimming lessons, follow the link below.

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