11 year old saves life of youngest sister

25 November 2019
It was a normal summer’s day at home earlier this year for 11-year-old Ethan de Coning and his younger sisters Chloe and Jordyn. Being a hot day, the trio were swimming in their backyard pool with dad Greg looking on.

When Greg went indoors quickly to grab something, two-and-a-half-year-old Jordyn got into trouble in the water when her floaties slipped off as she jumped into the pool. Ethan noticed Jordyn floating face down in the pool, not moving, and he immediately sprang into action.

Ethan pulled Jordyn from the water and checked her for a response while calling out to alert his father. “I heard screaming and, at first, I thought they were just playing but then I realised that it was serious,” says Greg. 

Luckily, Greg had recently updated his First Aid certificate and was able to administer CPR on his daughter. “I receive first aid training at work and had just done a refresher course before the incident happened. If I didn’t have that, I wouldn’t have known what to do.”

Colin Hassell, Ethan de Coning and Kim BeazleyWhile Greg was performing CPR on Jordyn, Ethan found his dad’s mobile and called 000. He provided emergency services with all the necessary information, while also doing his best to keep his other sister calm. Ethan had also received some first aid lessons at school, which helped him know what to do in the situation.

Jordyn was resuscitated and taken to hospital by ambulance where she made a full recovery. Despite his young years, Ethan demonstrated great composure throughout the incident and his quick response saved his little sister’s life, earning him a Gold Star Bravery Award from Royal Life Saving WA for his efforts.

Proud of his son’s actions that day, Greg says, “I don’t like to think about it, but without Ethan’s actions Jordyn may not have survived. I am very proud of Ethan.” He says that since the incident, his wife has also completed her first aid training course.

Ensure you have the skills to be able to save a loved one if ever needed by completing your first aid training – courses available at the link below.
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