Improved on the job training for pool lifeguards
Pool Lifeguards perform a job that is vital in keeping our community safe. WA's Pool Lifeguards have been so effective in the way they complete their work that our state has not seen a drowning death at a public aquatic centre in more than a decade.
Royal Life Saving Society WA is committed to continuing this positive trend by improving pool lifeguard training on an on-going basis, to ensure all our state's lifeguards have the best opportunity to learn the latest skills and industry best practice procedures. As a part of this commitment we're introducing the Pool Lifeguard Practical Placement Program (PPP).
This Program has been designed for the industry by the industry; it allows students an opportunity to bridge the gap between studies and employment by providing the participant with a true “hands on” experience, developing confidence and employability.
This program is voluntary and will not affect a lifeguard's qualification, however it is highly recommended for new lifeguards to complete this. Students will be given 2 months from the last day of their pool lifeguard course to complete the program. Once the program is completed students will be issued with a Certification of Completion of practical hours which may assist their chances of being employed as a lifeguard.
How do new lifeguards get started?
Once a student has completed their Pool Lifeguard Course, theycan commence the practical placement program and start to gain the required on-the-Job skills and experience.
What to expect!
During the Program, 15 hours of practical workplace placement will be completed. Lifeguards will complete various operating hours such as opening, daytime and closing shifts. During the program they will be expected to undertake a range of tasks and knowledge checks under direct supervision that may include:
- Facility Analysis & Site Tour
- Opening / Closing Checklists
- The lifeguard's role in First Aid and Emergency Response
- Communication Techniques & Administrative duties
- Program Setup and take down
- Operational tasks (cleaning, pool blankets, water testing)
- Demonstration of emergency response / rescues & incident management and control
- Discussion on the facilities policies with Watch Around Water & Pool Super Vision
Royal Life Saving Society WA looks forward to seeing the first group of pool lifeguards complete this program from September 2017.