Learn vital skills to save a life
Royal Life Saving WA knows that learning first aid skills can save someone’s life. At the recent 2017 Bravery Awards there were 31 heroic individuals honoured who performed amazing acts first aid and CPR that saved lives.
Royal Life Saving Society WA’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Leaversuch says each award recipient displayed exceptional courage, empathy and initiative by applying lifesaving skills in emergency situations and sometimes at risk to themselves. “The bravery and commitment of these individuals in saving lives is an excellent example to all Western Australians and deserves our highest recognition. It sends the strongest message possible about the importance of obtaining lifesaving skills. As we approach another summer I encourage everyone to think about how they might, in their own way, make a contribution to drowning prevention, and saving lives. It may be to improve your own skills in CPR, first aid or rescue, to raise awareness amongst your family, friends or workplace, or to help someone in need. Everyone can be a lifesaver”.
Royal Life Saving WA is seeking to inspire more people to take up first aid training. With summer around the corner, Royal Life Saving WA is encouraging everyone to learn first and CPR now.
As one of Australia’s largest life saving organisations, we take first aid seriously. But that doesn’t mean learning first aid has to be a chore. Royal Life Saving WA train over 30,000 people a year using hands-on, practical training that is flexible, enjoyable and engaging. We have first aid courses for people with no prior knowledge, right through to advanced first aid and CPR training.
There is a first aid course that is right for you. Find out more at the link below.