Winners Make Waves at Inclusion Carnival
We recently went down to the Claremont Pool for the Associated and Catholic Colleges of WA Inclusive Swim Carnival!
This Swim Carnival is a ‘participation’ based carnival allowing students with disabilities to participate in either individual, novelty events or both, on the day.
The event was in its 16th year and has always been held at Claremont Pool. The ACC encourage mainstream assistants from schools to attend and help in running the events whilst also aiding the teachers and swim officials.
Over 250 students swam in a range of Have a Go Lifesaving events and competitions including the line throw relay, rescue tube relay and the obstacle relay.
The line throw relay is a dry rescue manoeuvre which sees a lifesaver on shore throwing a rope to a person in distress and enabling them to swim to safety. The rescue tube relay is much the same but involves a tube being thrown from the lifesaver to the swimmer requiring assistance. The obstacle relay sees swimmers manoeuvring around submersed obstacles as fast as they can.
Our Sport Development Officer Jonnine Rowe, who was poolside to ensure ever went swimmingly, says it was a fantastic day. “These students excelled at the activities and manoeuvres which teaches lifesaving skills while keeping them fun at the same time! There were plenty of champions on the day!”
Royal Life Saving WA congratulations all the participants!