Kalgoorlie Clontarf Academy students participating in a Talent Pool program at Goldfields Oasis Recreation Centre
Talent Pool making waves in the Goldfields
Less than two months after expanding into the Goldfields, Royal Life Saving WA’s Talent Pool program is already gaining traction with locals.
Regional Coordinator Clint Kelleher recently invited the Clontarf Academy in Kalgoorlie to the Goldfields Oasis to kick off the program.
More than 60 young men took part in the day's activities which included team building exercises and a fun game of trying to mark a football while running along a large pool inflatable.
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mayor, John Bowler, was invited to the session to witness Talent Pool’s first engagement with the community.
“The blokes looked like they were having a ball,” said the Mayor.
The successful session is part of Clint’s long-term goal to engage the Clontarf Academy with the Talent Pool program through an established partnership.
“Through Bronze Medallion and First Aid courses I’m hoping to find participants who will be interested in joining Goldfields Talent Pool,” said Clint.
Supported by Principal Community Partner, BHP, the Talent Pool program is based on the belief that our greatest resource is our young people. Through training in First Aid, Bronze Medallion and Pool Lifeguard courses, the program provides real employment pathway opportunities for local youth with a specific focus on Aboriginal young people.
Royal Life Saving looks forward to establishing more connections in the Goldfields while providing real employment opportunities for young people.
To learn more about the Talent Pool program, visit the link below: