Talent Pool program changing lives in the Kimberley
As we celebrate NAIDOC Week, Royal Life Saving WA would like to highlight the success of our Talent Pool program, which focuses on providing employment pathways for Aboriginal youth.
Built on the philosophy that our greatest resource is our young people, one of the program’s most recent initiatives is transforming the Kimberley community. The Junior Lifeguard Club, supported by the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, offers an inclusive environment to develop swimming and lifesaving skills, as well as pathways to other opportunities including training, pool lifesaving events and employment.
Prior to the program's inception, many young people in Wyndham and Kununurra were reported to be disengaged from other youth programs and at higher risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour and crime.
Shire Community Development Manager, Nick Allen, says the program is engaging vulnerable community members.
“There are positive signs that the youth participating in the Talent Pool Program have shown behavioural improvement, commitment to participate and ultimately some employment opportunities in the future,” he said.
Nick has worked with Royal Life Saving WA Project Coordinator Tim Turner over the last six months to qualify community members to deliver a variety of programs. By collaborating with the shire, Police & Community Youth Centre (Kununurra PCYC) and Wyndham Aboriginal Youth Corporation, staff have upskilled in Senior First Aid, Aquatic Trainer and Bronze Medallion qualifications to be able to deliver Talent Pool courses to the region.
Acting Recreation and Leisure Coordinator for the Shire, Jae Kilgour, says the Talent Pool program has resulted in many benefits to the community.
“These programs have made a significant impact on our community with youth group, school and Leisure Centre staff taking the opportunity to up‐skill and update qualifications,” said Jae.
“Due to this we have been able to run Junior Lifeguard Club in Wyndham and Kununurra very successfully which has led to youth, and especially at‐risk youth, learning vital skills that will help them in the future.”
Royal Life Saving WA is excited to continue to collaborate with the shire and other youth service providers in the hopes of getting at-risk youth employed in the aquatic industry by the upcoming summer season.
The Talent Pool program is delivered in various regional and metro communities across WA and is supported by principal community partner BHP.
To learn more about the impact of our Talent Pool Program on Aboriginal youth, visit the link below: