Aquatic Resuscitation or Heart Beat Club Trainer Requalification free

This form allows you to submit your Trainer requalification for 2024/2025 as an Aquatic, Resuscitation and Heart Beat ClubTrainer

Prior to completing the form please download and review The Memorandum of Understanding.  


Download button Memorandum of Understanding 2024/25

Personal details
What trainer are you requalifying as?

You can tick more than one box

Course Delivery

Tell us a bit more about your training courses...

Professional Development

Aquatic, Resuscitation and Heart Beat Club Trainers are required to complete a minimum number of 3 face-to-face and/or online Professional Development sessions, as per MoU. Whether you have attended RLSSWA face-to-face sessions or completed online modules, records of attendance/completion can be verified through our system. You are not required to upload Certificates.

No need to upload certificates, records of completion are on file
Certificate of completion required
Please provide details about the session
Memorandum of Understanding

The MoU highlights responsibilities between the Parties. Please read the document and save it for your records

Working with Children Check
Please upload your current working with children check.

How to obtain your trainer qualification:

1. Make sure you have completed requested professional development sessions. Aquatic, Resuscitation and HBC Trainers must completed a minimum of 3 professional development sessions. If you have done professional development sessions with another provider please provide details on this form. Note: Requalifying your Bronze Medallion or Aquatic Rescue Award is not counted as professional development.

2. Download and read the MoU. Please save a copy for your records.

3. Complete the form with your most up to date details.

4. Submit

5. We will check our records to confirm you have met all requirements (hold valid qualifications, hold a valid WWCC and completed professional development). You will be contacted if requirements have not been met.

6. You will you will receive your trainer award within 10 working days from submission.