
Kids can't help themselves around water

Our new campaign aims to prevent toddler drownings this summer. We know that toddlers are curious and unpredictable as they explore the world around them. It's what we love about them, but it's also why we need to take steps to keep them safe. 

Kids can't help themselves around water. You need to.

  • Supervise - Always keep watch of your child around water
  • Restrict - Restrict your child's access to water at all times
  • Teach - Teach your child water safety skills
  • Respond - Learn CPR and call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency

Find out more about how to prevent your child drowning below.

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Heart Beat Club

A mother demonstrating CPR on an infant

In an emergency make sure you know how to react. Learn CPR.

Can you keep their heart beating?

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Mark's Story

Keep Watch Ambassador Mark Gubanyi has a very personal story of toddler drowning

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