Presentations are available for parents and carers of children aged 0–4 years throughout WA. Presentations are provided for new parent groups, playgroups and community organisations working with parents of young children. Sessions run for 30 minutes to one hour and cover:
- Drowning statistics and background to the program
- Where and why toddlers drown
- Water hazards for different age groups
- Drowning prevention strategies to keep children safe around water
- Responding in an emergency (including a demonstration of CPR if requested)
All participants receive a take home resource pack at the end of the session which contains further information about home water safety and relevant Royal Life Saving courses.
Regional presentations
Keep Watch has a network of presenters throughout the state available to deliver parent presentations in regional areas. We also conduct regular regional trips. If you're in regional WA and would like more information about the services available, please contact us below.
CALD parent presentations
Targeted presentations are available for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) families. CALD parents are a priority for Keep Watch as new migrants may be less aware of water safety issues and aquatic conditions in Australia. The presentation primarily focuses on water safety around the home for young children but also addresses safety at other locations, responding in an emergency and our women's only swimming lessons.