Heart Beat Club

What is the Heart Beat Club?

Royal Life Saving WA's Heart Beat Club is a child safety education program designed to provide parents, grandparents, and carers of children with the skills to provide first aid and resuscitation to babies and toddlers in and around the home or when around water.

Drowning can be prevented

Approximately 55 children between the ages of 0-5 drown annually in Australia alone, that's an average of one child per week. Lives are lost in pools, fishponds, baths, sinks and even nappy buckets. These lives could be saved utilising the skills learnt in a three-hour Heart Beat Club course.

What will you learn?

The idea behind the Heart Beat Club course is to minimise risk and, in the event of an incident, teach a person how to apply resuscitation techniques. How to deal with other first aid issues such as choking, burns, and scalds, control of bleeding, shock and the control of communicable disease, will also be covered. Your trainer will happily answer any questions you may have relating to first aid.

Your place or ours?

Royal Life Saving WA works in partnership with local councils, hospitals, child health centres, community and family centres to provide Heart Beat Club courses across the Perth metropolitan area as well as regional WA. To find out more, please call (08) 9383 8200. 


woman practising infant CPR on a baby manikin

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Research shows CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.

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