It is important to remember that you must only call the 000 number if you have a life threatening or critical emergency.
It's wise to ask yourself the following questions before calling 000.
- Is someone seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help?
- Is your life or property being threatened?
- Have you just witnessed a serious accident or crime?
A fast, efficient way of contacting the Emergency Services from your mobile phone is to download the Emergency + app at the link below.
The following link provides more information on using the emergency services and how the emergency service calls are received
WA's Department of Health is trying to reduce pressure on our hospital emergency departments by encouraging us to explore other health care options for non-emergency treatment. This will assist in reducing wait times for those who need emergency care.
1 in 3 Emergency Department visits were classified as lower urgency in 2018−19 and could have been better looked after by other health services such as GPs, Healthdirect or appropriate self-assessment. In 2017-18 abdominal pain and ankle sprain/strain were among the top 15 diagnoses for people attending the ED that could have been addressed by other health services.
If you have a health concern speak with a registered nurse at Healthdirect Australia on 1800 022 222 to help you make an informed decision about how to handle it.
Other Useful Emergency Service Numbers
- The State Emergency Service (SES) can assist you if you are affected by a flood, storm or cyclone on132 500.
- For non-urgent assistance from the Police call 131 444.
- For Mental Health Emergencies there is helpline available 24 hours a day on 1300 555 788 or toll free 1800 522 002.
Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26 - If a poisoning victim has collapsed or has stopped breathing, do not delay, phone 000 for an ambulance.
Other useful information
Symptom Checker App
Find an After Hours GP
Emergency and Crisis Services