Make the move to modern lifejackets with the Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade program
The Old4New Lifejacket Upgrade program is part of Royal Life Saving WA's wider lifejacket awareness campaign which aims to get people into the habit of putting on a lifejacket each time they go boating.
Studies have found that wearing a lifejacket doubles a person’s chance of survival once immersed in water.
Old4New offers a trade-in scheme where people can surrender their old, damaged or obsolete lifejacket for a modern self-inflating, slim-fitting style lifejacket at a discounted price.
The Stats
On average, there are five boating-related drowning deaths recorded each year in Western Australia, with the majority of people involved in these incidents not wearing a lifejacket at the time.
There were 49 boating-related drowning deaths recorded in Western Australia between 2009 and 2019. Data suggests that only 8% were wearing a lifejacket at the time of the incident, and only 6% were wearing an appropriately fitting/compliant lifejacket at the time.
Wearing a lifejacket never ruined a day on the water.
Where to Upgrade
Old4New upgrades can be completed at the following locations. Please note that an appointment must be made.
- Royal Life Saving WA Head Office – 12 McGillivray Rd, Mt Claremont
- Royal Life Saving WA Mandurah Office – 2 Sutton St, Mandurah
- Geographe Bay Yacht Club – 1 King St, Busselton
- Geraldton Yacht Club – 214 Marine Tce, Geraldton
- Dampier Seafarers Centre – 6 The Esplanade, Dampier
- Hillarys Yacht Club – 65 Northside Drive, Hillarys
Contact our team on 08 9383 8200 or email us at to arrange a time to upgrade.
Terms & Conditions
- To purchase a new inflatable lifejacket from Royal Life Saving WA an old, damaged or obsolete lifejacket must be upgraded.
- The Crewsaver Auto-inflating lifejacket (red) or Manual-inflating lifejacket (blue) will be available to purchase for the significantly discounted price of $88.00 each.
- A maximum of two lifejackets per person can be upgraded to a new inflatable lifejacket from Royal Life Saving WA.
- Recipients of the lifejacket upgrade must participate in a presentation covering lifejacket wear and maintenance information.
Lifejacket Maintenance
The Old4New program is helping to promote the importance of wearing a lifejacket when you’re out on the water, especially when in smaller craft.
Advice and guidance on lifejacket maintenance and servicing is provided through the program, and skippers are strongly encouraged to service their lifejacket in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. An inflatable lifejacket will only work if it’s kept in good working order.
Better design, technology and wearability in lifejackets have been a major breakthrough in boating safety. Inflatable lifejackets are becoming more popular as they are easy to wear, don’t get in the way and are increasingly affordable. However, you should be aware that this type of lifejacket requires extra care, maintenance and service.

If you would like to receive information about the Old4New upgrade program, please fill in the form below.