Endorsed Swim School instructors get skilled up
30 Royal Life Saving Endorsed Swim School coordinators and staff attended a professional development session run by Royal Life Saving WA with guest presenter Fiona Njirich recently, expanding on their already vast working knowledge of swimming and water safety.
This session focused on the Butterfly and Breaststroke techniques and ways to ensure these are taught correctly. The highly experienced and knowledgeable presenter, Fiona, provided insight into ways to overcome many of the common faults seen with these strokes.
Fiona also broke down the barriers to introducing butterfly and provided detailed drills and information about how to do this effectively early in the student's aquatic education.
Coordinators and staff from the Endorsed Swim School network attended, including representatives from Alpha & Omega Swimming, Armadale Aquatic Centre, Bayswater Waves, Belmont Oasis, Bold Park Aquatic Centre, Definition Swim School, HBF Arena & HBF Stadium Swim School, Just Add Water Swimming, Kwinana Recquatic, Leisurepark Balga, Rockingham Aquatic Centre, Scarborough Beach Pool, Swan Active Ballajura, Swan Active Midland, Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre and Wanneroo Aquamotion.
Royal Life Saving WA currently has 136 Endorsed Swim Schools across WA, this network provides a large amount of the swimming and water safety education throughout the state to a wide range of people. It is our role to support the coordinators and staff of the Endorsed Swim Schools and provide training, professional development and networking opportunities to ensure they continue to provide the highest quality services.
The Royals continue to provide support and professional development opportunities to the Endorsed Swim School network. We endeavor to engage the coordinators and strengthen their partnership with the Society.
We also ensure the staff of the Endorsed Swim Schools are teaching consistently and providing the best in swimming and water safety education through our Royal Life Saving WA Swim and Survive program.
For more information on our ongoing work with our Endorsed Swim Schools, please click the link below.