Jackson Byrne in Perth [inset]; Jason Gore, Amanda Bradley and Annabelle Little with City of Karratha Mayor Peter Long
Karratha locals recognised for hiking trail resuscitation effort
In June 2021, a man collapsed while hiking on the Yaburara Heritage Trail in Karratha. The walker, Noel, had collapsed along a section of the trail which ran behind the Karratha Leisureplex. Amanda Bradley, who was also hiking the trail, came across Noel and immediately called 000 for help before waving down another walker, Annabelle Little, as she came up the hill.
Annabelle immediately came over to assist, commencing CPR while Amanda flagged down another walker, Jason Gore, who joined them and also performed CPR on Noel. Meanwhile, St John Ambulance had contacted Karratha Leisureplex to request a defibrillator be taken to the scene, which was taken up the hill by pool lifeguard Jackson Byrne.
“We received a phone call from St John’s to inform us that there was an incident at the top of the hill behind the Leisureplex and that a Defib was needed on the scene ASAP,” said a staff member from Karratha Leisureplex. “Jackson was the chosen staff member to go up the hill as he was the fittest amongst staff working that day and we wanted to get it up there as fast as we could.”
Jackson ran the 800m or so up the hill to the scene, carrying the defibrillator and other first aid equipment. He joined Amanda, Annabelle and Jason, and together they applied the defib and continued to work as a team, rotating through CPR for around 15 minutes until paramedics arrived.
“We continued to rotate through CPR duties,” said Jason, who had been assisting Amanda and Annabelle before Jackson arrived. “Jackson introduced PPE from his bum bag to assist in our safety, he also had scissors in his kit which enabled us to cut the backpack off Noel and get him into a better position for more effective CPR.”
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of everyone involved, Noel was unable to be revived. Each of the responders acted with great composure and determination in a very difficult situation, particularly Jackson who was just 16 at the time and whose professionalism and leadership were commended by all involved.
Jackson, Amanda, Annabelle and Jason were each awarded a Royal Life Saving Gold Medallion Bravery Award for their resuscitation efforts. Jackson travelled from Karratha to attend the 2021 Royal Life Saving WA Bravery Awards ceremony held in Perth in October, where he was presented his award by Governor of Western Australia the Honourable Kim Beazley AC and Royal Life Saving WA President Colin Hassell.
Amanda, Annabelle and Jason were presented with their awards by City of Karratha Mayor Peter Long at the City of Karratha’s Australia Day Awards Ceremony last month.
Do you know someone who has stepped in to save, or attempt to save, someone’s life? Ensure they receive the recognition they deserve by nominating them for a Royal Life Saving Bravery Award. Learn more at the link below.