Kayla Bradshaw, Jo Bulley and DLGSC’s Training Admin Support Officer Malo Chang Wai (top row, l-r); Duncan Veitch, Trevor Bulley and Jacob Einam (lower row, l-r)
New aquatic trainers for DLGSC
Royal Life Saving WA has community trainers working right across the state, teaching vital first aid, swimming and lifesaving skills. Graham Sharpe is one of these who has been doing amazing work for us over the past decade teaching First Aid, Bronze Medallion and School Teacher Aquatic Rescue courses.
Graham works for the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) aside from his work as a Royal Life Saving Community Trainer, and has taught many staff at DLGSC vital aquatic and emergency care skills since 2010. Recently Graham delivered the first Aquatic Trainer course for DLGSC staff via Zoom.
The six staff involved are part of DLGSC’s recreation camps team, who train regularly for emergencies in all sorts of environments, supporting the Royal Life Saving ethos that “Everyone Can Be a Lifesaver”. The frequency of the recreation camp staff taking part in these courses has grown to the point that it was worth having a team of experienced outdoor leaders take the step of becoming aquatic trainers themselves, to enable them to run courses for the recreation camps and the broader community.
Having aquatic trainers within the DLGSC recreation camps team makes maintaining and gaining some of these important skill sets more accessible. It’s hoped that by becoming Community Trainers these staff can further promote the good work being done by Royal Life Saving WA and DLGSC’s message of creating a vibrant, inclusive and connected WA community.
We’re proud of the partnership Graham Sharpe has been able to develop between Royal Life Saving and DLGSC in this area, and look forward to seeing these new aquatic trainers sharing these important skills right across WA.
Find out more about how you can join our team of Community Trainers at the link below.