New swim instructors skilled up in the Pilbara
With summer on the way many swim schools across the state are urgently looking for swim instructors to teach children vital swimming and water safety skills. There’s been an influx of parents enrolling their children in swimming lessons, which is positive news, but according to a recent Royal Life Saving WA survey 53% of WA’s aquatic centre managers believe they don't have enough staff to meet demand.
Royal Life Saving WA is working to train new instructors to fill gaps at aquatic centres across the state over the summer, especially in regional areas where there’s been a shortage for a number of years.
Recently we saw 16 participants take part in an AUSTSWIM Swim Instructor course held at the South Hedland Aquatic Centre. The course was arranged by Royal Life Saving WA’s Pilbara Development Officer Lauren Thompson, with assistance from Senior Manager Regional Development, Tim Turner.
Participant Juanita Manukau-Smith says she really enjoyed the course. “"Thank you to Lauren and Tim for your efforts in making the weekend possible, it was awesome.”
We look forward to seeing the course participants putting their newly developed skills into action, with those completing the course hoping to fulfill all the requirements to be ready to teach children over the summer months across a number of Pilbara towns.
If you're looking for a summer job becoming a Swim Instructor could be a great option for you! Find out how to enrol in our swim instructor training course at the link below.