Swim instructors urgently needed across WA
With summer on the way parents across WA are re-enrolling their children in swimming lessons. While this is fantastic news, and will ensure these children have the skills to stay safe around water over the warmer months, it’s also causing some challenges for many swimming programs and swim schools due to a lack of instructors to teach the influx of children.
With the October VacSwim program just around the corner some metropolitan centres are still short of instructors to cater for all of the children enrolled, with the Education Department currently struggling to staff programs in Rockingham, Joondalup, Wanneroo, Cannington, Craigie, Fremantle, Inglewood and Midland.
Royal Life Saving WA is working to train new instructors to fill gaps at aquatic centres across the state over the summer, and we’d love to have more people join our team. If you’d like to complete a swim instructor course you can find out more at the link below.

If you’re a qualified swim instructor looking for work there a whole range of positions, including the VacSwim positions mentioned above, available on our Jobs Board.