2020 Royal Life Saving Bravery Awards
61 outstanding Western Australians have been recognised today during the annual Royal Life Saving Bravery Awards. The event, hosted at the State Reception Centre in Kings Park, was attended by The Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia.
Royal Life Saving WA accepts nominations for the Bravery Awards throughout the year, to identify and reward people in our community who have taken extraordinary actions to save, or attempt to save, another person’s life. This year we have acknowledged a wide variety of individuals, including children and adults, who have performed acts from in water rescues, through to performing life-saving first aid on the roadside. These very deserving awardees have each been involved in outstanding acts of bravery, some in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic when providing assistance was far from straightforward!
Royal Life Saving WA’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Leaversuch says each award recipient displayed exceptional courage, empathy, and initiative by applying lifesaving skills in emergency situations and sometimes at risk to themselves. “These individuals are an excellent example to all Western Australians and show how vitally important it is to obtain lifesaving skills. They’ve applied their skills to save another’s life, showing bravery and commitment in doing so, and deserve our highest recognition.”
The recent Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report revealed that 57% of WA’s drowning deaths occurred in the warmer months of spring and summer during 2019/20. “As we enjoy the warmer weather at this time of the year, I encourage everyone to think about how they might, in their own way, contribute to drowning prevention, and saving lives. It may be to improve your own skills in CPR, first aid or rescue, to raise awareness amongst your family, friends, or workplace, or to help someone in need. Everyone can be a lifesaver” Mr Leaversuch said.
The award recipients for 2020 included:
- Tony Booker, Terry Gray and Fred English (Gold Medallion) - When Ross Sutherland collapsed during the Rottnest Swim Run last year fellow participants Tony and Terry responded, performing CPR. They were joined by another competitor Dr Fred English, who recruited other bystanders to provide compressions and assist with the rescue until medical teams arrived. Ross survived thanks to this amazing team effort!
- Simon Bowen, Nathan Carbone, Brad Hasson and Dan Whitney (Gold Medallion) - These off-duty police officers responded when 27- year-old, Dane, collapsed while playing indoor cricket at Striker Indoor Sports and Fitness. The four men worked as a team to perform CPR and defibrillation for approximately 15 minutes before an ambulance arrived.
- Latara Ogle (Gold Medallion) - Latara was waved down by a woman in traffic on Ennis Avenue in Warnbro earlier this year after the women's husband had collapsed on the side of the road. Latara didn’t hesitate to respond, performing CPR on the man until emergency services arrived.
- Jordan France and Alexander Woods (Gold Medallion) - Jordan and Alex assisted a woman who had fallen onto a ledge at Bells Rapids. The pair helped the women, alerted emergency services and assisted the medical crews on the scene.
- Alison Rowley and Helen Deller (Gold Medallion) - Helen came across a woman who had collapsed at Melros Reserve in Dawesville, placing her in the recovery position and calling 000. Her daughter Alison assisted in performing chest compressions for over 20 minutes until an ambulance arrived. The response was made more difficult as the incident occurred in the early stages of the COVID19 pandemic.
- Peter Carew-Gibson and Craig Wood (Gold Medallion) - Peter and Craig performed CPR on their friend Garry, who had suffered a heart attack and fell down a flight of stairs while assisting Peter to move into a new house.
- Joanne White (Gold Medallion) and Ben Cox (Gold Star) - Ben and Joanne rescued a man, Allan, who had suffered a seizure and fallen off the Palm Beach Jetty in Rockingham, hitting his head on the jetty before landing in the water. Jo rescued Allan from the water while Ben called 000. The pair performed first aid until emergency services arrived.
- Greg Chapman and Kieran Doyle (Gold Medallion) Isaac Brophy and Donna Crouch (Bravery Commendation) - Golf course patron Greg performed CPR when a fellow patron collapsed due to an apparent cardiac arrest at Whaleback Golf Course in Parkwood. Groundskeeper Isaac brought a defib and first aid kit to the scene, where colleague Kieran assisted with CPR and defibrillation. Donna phoned for an ambulance and assisted with the rescue effort. The group worked for about 10 minutes before an ambulance arrived, saving the man’s life.
- Stephen Waterman and Hassan Shahzad (Gold Medallion) - Hassan and Stephen were working as part of the security and concierge team at Brookfield Place when a man suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed outside. Hassan retrieved an AED before working with Stephen to perform CPR and defibrillation until paramedics arrived, saving the man’s life.
- Flynn Mercer (Gold Star) and Kirsten Richardson (Gold Medallion) - 12-year-old Flynn responded when his Dad had a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night, alerting his mum Kirsten who performed CPR. Flynn called 000 and spoke to paramedics, also running to the neighbour’s house for help, and assisted his mum in her CPR efforts.
- Ben Properjohn (Gold Star) and Luke Passmore (Bravery Commendation) - Ben, who was 15 years old at the time, rescued a friend who became unconscious and fell in the water while kayaking at Mindarie Marina. Ben and a nearby paddleboarder Luke rescued the woman and took her to the boat ramp, staying with her until an ambulance arrived.
- Troy Hayter (Gold Star) and Kian Hayter (Bravery Commendation) - Troy rescued his four-year-old son Micah who got out of his depth while on a family day out at a dam in Pemberton. 6-year-old Kian, who was in the water with Micah, tried to rescue his brother himself but got pulled under water. Troy rescued the boys and performed CPR on Micah while waiting for paramedics to arrive, saving his son’s life.
- Jamison Ugle and Edward Lyndon (Bravery Commendation) - These students from Girrawheen’s Clontarf Academy responded when a man was attacked at Stirling Train Station. The man was suffering seizures so they provided first aid and alerted others to get further assistance.
- Caitlyn Spong (Bravery Commendation) - Caitlyn rescued her brother after he fell into a watering hole on their property in Moora. The 8-year-old jumped into the water without delay, pulling her brother to the edge where they were met by their mother.
- Cockburn ARC staff - Adam Anistino, Tamila Andreeva, Rhiannon Keel and Jennifer Littlejohn (Gold Star), Tayliah Zimmer and Sarahjayne Whiteley (Bravery Commendation) - Stuart, a patron visiting Cockburn ARC, suffered a heart attack while swimming laps in the outdoor pool. This team of lifeguards and other staff responded rapidly to rescue him, perform CPR and defibrillation and alert emergency services, a response that saved his life!
- Wanneroo Aquamotion staff - James Roper and Rianna Matulin (Gold Star) and Kelly Field (Bravery Commendation) - When a patron, Bruce, collapsed at Wanneroo Aquamotion lifeguards James and Rianna performed CPR and defibrillation, while Kellie called an ambulance and cleared other patrons from the pools. After four rounds of CPR and one shock from the defib Bruce began breathing. The staff monitored him until an ambulance arrived.
- Leisurefit Boorgaoon Staff staff - Alexandra Gamble, Dylan Power and Liam Taylor (Gold Star), Harley Osborne and Shay-Lee Smith (Bravery Commendation) - The team performed CPR and defibrillation on a woman who had fallen unconscious in the changerooms at Leisurefit Boorgaoon, also alerting emergency services. Their actions saved the woman’s life.
- Swan Active Midland staff - Jade Howard, Doug Macaulay, Stephen Driscoll (Gold Star), and patrons - Karen Kirkby (Gold Medallion) and Sandra Mutch (Bravery Commendation) - When an elderly patron fell unconscious in the pool at Swan Active Midland two other swimmers, Karen and Sandra assisted him to the side of the pool. Lifeguard Doug worked with the swimmers to remove the man from the water before performing CPR. Lifeguards Jade and Stephen called 000 and evacuated the pools. Doug, Jade and Karen performed CPR for 20 minutes until paramedics arrived.
- Riverton Leisureplex patron Reihaneh Kakaei Hafdani and staff Alison Hyde (Gold Medallion), Lifeguards Michael Gosatti, Andreea Ioan and Chris Cotton (Gold Star) - When a Riverton Leisureplex patron collapsed library staff member Alison and a patron Reihaneh responded immediately, performing CPR. They were joined by lifeguards Chris, Michael and Andreea who assisted with a defib and oxygen. Reihaneh, Chris and Andrea performed CPR and defibrillation until an ambulance arrived, saving the man’s life.
- Jane Ferguson, Rebecca Wilton, and Wanneroo Aquamotion staff - Samuel Cox, Shelby Hyde and Rianna Matulin (Gold Star), Kimberley Amos and Daniel Webb (Bravery Commendation) - Margaret experienced a seizure while driving outside Wanneroo Aquamotion and hit the back of Jane’s car Jane realised something was wrong and went to assist Margaret, while bystander, Rebecca, called 000 and also assisted. Staff at Aquamotion also responded, with Kim, Daniel, Shelby, Sam and Rianna removing Margaret from her car, placing her on the ground in the recovery position and applying oxygen until an ambulance arrived.
You can find out more about our Bravery Awards, and nominate someone to be included in next year's event, at the link below.