Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation and the Aquatic Industry Hub

 Picture of a public swimming pool with lane ropes, an access ladder and patrons in the background.

There are increasing demands on public Swimming Pool and Aquatic Facility managers to ensure that they keep themselves informed of current best practice. Legislative changes to regulations and guidelines can be difficult to track and are frequently time consuming to access. To ensure patron safety at all times and to avoid breaching any legislative requirements, access to current and accurate reference material is essential.

The National Aquatic Industry Hub has been developed by the Royal Life Saving Society over many years in consultation with industry professionals and regulators. The National Aquatic Industry Hub can be seen as the authoritative source for reference materials when seeking guidance on how to design, maintain and operate an aquatic facility in all states and territories.

To make your busy work day easier Royal Life Saving Society WA has collated an extensive library of applicable Regulations, Guidelines and water safety information. All other guidance material referenced to in the WA Department of Health - Code of Practice for the design, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities,  has been made available here for you to download.

Public pool information (Group 1)

Health Department - Code of Practice (external link)

Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation (G.S.P.O.) The link below will take you directly to the National Aquatic Industry Hub.

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Guidelines referenced in the Code of Practice

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Examples of the guidelines available as a free download.

  • Accreditation of First Aiders
  • Design of Pool Tanks
  • Advisory Signage
  • Movable Booms (Bulk Heads)
  • Design of Starting Blocks (Starting Platforms)
  • Operation Manuals
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • Pool Covers
  • Rescue Equipment
  • Aquatic Rescue Accreditation
  • Bather Supervision
  • Accreditation for Pool Lifeguards
  • Parental Supervision
  • Supervision of Diving Towers and Springboards
  • Safe Water Entry for Competitions — Competitive Dive Starts
  • Accreditation for Pool Plant Operators
An injured person receiving advanced first aid care

Advanced First Aid Training

Suitable for anyone who may be required to provide, coordinate and manage a first aid response across a range of complex situations, include community and workplace settings.

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image of evacuation diagram mounted on wall

Evacuation Diagram

Emergency Evacuation Diagrams must be displayed at all public aquatic facilities.

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 We offer a range of pool assessment services!

Keep your home pool safe by booking a pool assessment today!

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